Most conventional physicians are trained to diagnose low thyroid primarily by measuring the TSH level. This test is good for detecting evidence of a weak thyroid gland, but cannot tell you if the person is efficiently utilizing or activating the thyroid hormone. The inefficient use of thyroid by the body has been called "thyroid resistance."
Symptoms of low thyroid / thyroid resistance:
- fatigue
- headaches
- fluid retention
- depression
- hair loss
- impaired memory/concentration
- constipation
- irritable bowel
- weight gain
- dry skin/hair
- allergies
- muscle and joint aches
- elevated cholesterol
- increased nicotine/caffeine use
- heat and/or cold intolerance
- frequent colds/sore throat
- cold hands/feet
- infertility
- easy bruising
- slow wound healing
The primary output of the thyroid gland is the T4 hormone. The body then activates T4 into T3(the active hormone!) and reverse T3(the brakes on your metabolism!) The balance between T3 and reverse T3 is what determines the overall amount of stimulation your metabolism is getting from the thyroid. So it is crucial that we measure these levels to determine appropriate treatment plan.
For more information read:
Overcoming Thyroid Disorders , by David Brownstein, M.D.
Hypothyroidism, The Unsuspected Illness, by Broda Barnes, M.D.
The Patients Guide to Nutritional Healing, by Jonathan V. Wright, M.D.